Mother's Wellness Group | 媽媽舒心之屋
to Apr 23

Mother's Wellness Group | 媽媽舒心之屋

BCNC Family Services is facilitating an 8-week Mother's Wellness Group! Mother's Wellness Group aims to provide a safe space for postpartum mothers to share their perinatal experiences, discuss changes in life, body, and emotions, and gain support from each other as well as trained facilitators. Mothers will also learn techniques to help manage any stress, thoughts, or difficult feelings.

Date: February 19th – April 16th; Every Wednesday(04/03/2025 No Class)

Time: 10:30 am-12 pm

Fomat: Virtual

Language: Mandarin

Cost: Free

Population: Mothers within 24 months post-delivery.

Event Funded by Tufts Medicine

Email: Cathy Zhou,

Phone: Cathy Zhou, 617-249-2995 x1051


日期: 2025年02月19日至2025年04月16日(逢週三,4月3日休息)








致電:周小姐,617-249-2995 x1051

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Asian American Mental Health Coalition March Meeting
2:00 PM14:00

Asian American Mental Health Coalition March Meeting

The Asian American Mental Health Coalition aims to provide resources and support to mental health professionals. Between February and June, we will host monthly meetings. The coalition offers an opportunity to:

  • Meet and connect with fellow AAPI mental health providers.

  • Share resources or learn what’s available to support your work.

  • Gain peer support and access FREE training opportunities.


AAMHC March Meeting:

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025

Time: 2:00-3:00 PM

Format: virtual session (Zoom registration link to be sent one week prior)

Topic: Problem Gambling 101

Guest Speaker: Kevin Lin

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Bamboo Circle Open Mic Night
7:00 PM19:00

Bamboo Circle Open Mic Night

Join the Bamboo Circle for their first ever Open Mic Night! 🎤

Enjoy performances from local artists while connecting with young professionals dedicated to supporting the BCNC's mission of uplifting Asian and new immigrant communities in the Greater Boston Area! Snacks, drinks, and good vibes will be provided.

All event proceeds will go towards this year's Boston Marathon runners' campaigns as they each aim to raise money for the BCNC.

📆 Friday, March 28, 7–10PM

📍 Pao Arts Center

🎟️  $15 cover. Purchase tickets and sign up to perform HERE: [LINK]


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Positive Solutions for Families | 正向教養
to May 19

Positive Solutions for Families | 正向教養

Positive Solutions for Families (PSF) is an evidence-based training program that focuses on how to utilize positive parenting skills to build closed parent-child relationships, develop children’s SEL skills, and reduce challenging behaviors. Within the 7-week program, parents will make connections with other parents in community, learn to set up intentional goals and a behavior change plan, and have opportunities to practice positive parenting skills. Additionally, parents will receive a parent handbook, positive parenting skills guideline, and SEL material bags.

Date: March 31st, 2025 to May 19th, 2025; every Monday except for 04/21 (total 7 sessions)

Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Location: BCNC Quincy (1458 Hancock St #306, Quincy, MA 02169)

Target: Parents/guardians of children age 0-5 (other parents welcome to register).

Language: Mandarin

F ee: Free, childcare and refreshment will be provided


Send email to:

Call Chuanwei Zhou: 617-249-2995 x1026



日期:2025年3月31號至5月19號; 每週一( 4/21號停課一次, 共七堂課)


地點:BCNC Quincy (1458 Hancock St #306, Quincy, MA 02169)

服務對象: 0-5歲幼兒的家長/監護人 (歡迎其他家長報名參加。)


費 用:免費, 提供茶點與托兒服務



電話聯繫周先生: 617-249-2995 x1026

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Asian American Mental Health Coalition
2:00 PM14:00

Asian American Mental Health Coalition

Asian American Mental Health Coalition aims to provide resources and support to mental health professionals. Between February and June, Family Services will host monthly meetings. The coalition offers an opportunity to:

  • Meet and connect with fellow AAPI mental health providers.

  • Share resources or learn what’s available to support your work.

  • Gain peer support and access FREE training opportunities.

February Event Details:

  • Date: Friday, February 28, 2025

  • Time: 2:00–3:00 PM

  • Format: Virtual session (Zoom link to be sent one week prior)

  • Topic: Burnout Prevention

Contact: send email to Ying-Chen Wang or call 617-249-2995

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Year of the Snake Party
6:00 PM18:00

Year of the Snake Party

Bring in the Year of the Snake with an elegant reception featuring live music, small plates, and drinks. Enjoy imaginative Lunar New Year-inspired dishes provided by local chef, Asia Mei of Moonshine 152. Experience live performances and the current exhibit at Pao Arts Center. Before the night is over, leave your hopes for the new year on our wishing tree to bring good fortune to the community and local artists.

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Bamboo Circle Planning Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Bamboo Circle Planning Meeting

The Bamboo Circle represents a network of young professionals committed to supporting BCNC and strengthening Asian immigrant and Asian American communities of Greater Boston. This group of dedicated young professionals encourages philanthropy and community engagement through a variety of events.

Please join us for our planning meeting where we will plan for a Open Mic fundraising night and discuss future events.

This meeting will take place on Zoom. New members are welcome!

Please RSVP here by Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025.

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Self-care for Parents | 給家長的自我照顧
2:00 PM14:00

Self-care for Parents | 給家長的自我照顧

BCNC Family Services is facilitating a virtual workshop “Self-care for Parents”! Once you become a parent, your children are your whole world. The journey of parenting is full of sweet and sour. Self-care not only can let you take a break from the stressors but help you become a better parent! Within the virtual workshop; you can explore your emotions and feelings; identify triggers and pressures of parenting, find suitable self-care strategies, and utilize self-care skills in parent-child relationships.

Date: December 12th, 2024, Thursday

Time: 2pm – 3:30 pm

Location: Virtual Workshop

Language: Mandarin

Cost: Free

Audience: Parents and Caretakers

Email: Ying-Chen Wang

Phone: Ying-Chen Wang, 617-249-2995 x1095

BCNC家庭服務部將舉辦【給家長的自我照顧】線上講座了!成為家長後大部份的重心都在孩子身上, 育兒之旅充滿著酸甜苦辣, 自我照顧可以讓您適時的在生活壓力中獲得喘息成為更好的家長!在此線上工作坊中將會幫助您探索自己的情緒以與壓力來源、找到適合的自我照顧活動以及如何將自我照顧技巧應用在親子互動!

日期: 2024年12月12日(星期四)







致電:王小姐, 617-249-2995 x10唉

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AAPI Community Ambassador Program - Thanksgiving Tree | 亞太社區大使活動 - 感恩樹製作
10:00 AM10:00

AAPI Community Ambassador Program - Thanksgiving Tree | 亞太社區大使活動 - 感恩樹製作

Thanksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and blessings of the past year. People come together to celebrate what they are thankful for with friends or family.

We welcome you to join us and celebrate thanksgiving together by creating your own gratitude tree while learning the importance of practicing gratitude for our mental health and well-being.

Date: November 26, 2024

Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Target Population: Open to all ages

Language: Mandarin or English

Fee: Free, materials provided

Location: 38 Ast St, Boston, MA 02111

Contact: Kevin Lin,

Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Office of Problem Gambling Services.



日期: 2024年11月26號

時間: 上午10:00至上午11:30

對象: 歡迎任何年齡報名參加

語言: 普通話​或英文

費用: 免費活動, 提供材料

地點: 波士頓華埠社區中心

電郵件聯絡: 林先生


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BCNC Holiday Wish List - Grant a wish this season
to Dec 18

BCNC Holiday Wish List - Grant a wish this season

Grant a wish to support immigrant children, youth, and families!

Each year, BCNC gathers wish lists from the children and families under our care, counting on the generosity of companies and individuals like you to help turn wishes into smiles. Your contribution will make a meaningful difference and brighten the lives of those we care for.

To grant a wish:

  1. Visit our gift registry list here.

  2. Pick out the gifts you wish to purchase.

  3. At check out, select BCNC’s Gift Registry Address (BCNC, 38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 02111).

Last day to purchase a gift: Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

For more information, please contact

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Virtual Infant Massage | 線上嬰兒按摩課程
to Dec 16

Virtual Infant Massage | 線上嬰兒按摩課程

BCNC Family Services is facilitating a 5-week in-person Infant Massage program! Infant Massage has many benefits for both the caregivers and the infants, including improving infants’ sleep, reducing gas, and spitting up milk. In addition, Infant Massage helps strengthen the bond between a caregiver and an infant, increasing sense of security. BCNC staff will teach caregivers the appropriate strokes and techniques for massaging legs, body, chest, arms, head, and back. Caregivers will learn how they can implement Infant Massage at home!

Date: November18th, 2024 – December 16th, 2024; Every Monday

Time: 4pm – 5pm

Location: Virtual Classes

Language: Mandarin

Cost: Free

Audience: families with infants (less than 12 months old)

*Note: This program is for babies and caregivers to join together!

Email: Cathy Zhou

Phone: Cathy Zhou, 617-249-2995 x1051


日期: 2024年11月18日至2024年12月16日(逢週一)








致電:周小姐, 617-249-2995 x1051

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BCNC Quincy 10th Anniversary
4:30 PM16:30

BCNC Quincy 10th Anniversary

A huge thank you to Quincy, our incredible partners, dedicated staff, and amazing participants for making these past 10 years unforgettable. Since opening our doors in 2014, BCNC Quincy has proudly impacted the lives of over 10,000 participants—and we’re not stopping there. With our growing youth programs, expanding family services, thriving adult English classes, and vital clinical offerings, the future is brighter than ever.

Join us in celebrating this exciting milestone.

Open House: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm at BCNC

Reception: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm at Pho Pasteur with light refreshments

Explore our vibrant space during the open house, meet our passionate staff and inspiring participants, and discover all the ways we're continuing to make a difference. Afterward, head next door to Pho Pasteur for a short program, delicious snacks, and networking. We'll also be honoring Sau Cai, our incredible landlord and community leader, whose generosity has helped make it all possible.

Don’t miss out on this special celebration—we can’t wait to see you there!

Please RSVP below by Monday, October 28, 2024.

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Expressive Arts Experiential Program | 表達藝術體驗課程
to Nov 19

Expressive Arts Experiential Program | 表達藝術體驗課程

Date: 10/22/2024 - 11/19/2024, 4:30PM - 5:30PM (every Tuesday, 5 weeks in total)

Population: Children with Autism (ASD; aged 5-8) and their parents

Language: English, with Chinese Interpretation as needed.

Free workshop with limited spots


BCNC Family Services will facilitate a 5-week Expressive Arts Experiential Program (EAEP) for children with autism (age 5-8) and their parents. Expressive arts-based intervention is used to support children with ASD effectively to enhance expression of self, non-verbal and verbal communication and socio-emotional skills. The program includes fun and creative activities that involve body awareness, creative arts, breathing techniques, and socio-emotional learning activity.

For inquiry:

Email Angel Chan

日期:10/22/2024 - 11/19/2024, 4:30PM - 5:30PM (每週二,共5星期)

對象︰自閉症兒童(5-8 歲) 及其父母、監護人




BCNC 家庭服務將為自閉症兒童(5-8 歲)及其父母提供為期 5 週的表達藝術體驗課程 (EAEP)。以表達藝術為基礎的介入方式通常用於有效地幫助自閉症兒童增強自我表達能力、非語言和言語溝通以及社交情感技能。此項目會進行有趣和有創造性的活動,其中會涉及增強身體意識的遊戲、創意藝術、呼吸技巧和有助社交情緒能力的活動。



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Parenting Journey (Boston) |  我的成長與我孩子的成長 (波士頓)
to Dec 18

Parenting Journey (Boston) | 我的成長與我孩子的成長 (波士頓)

Parenting is a journey that begins on the day you are born. This 10-week program, facilitated by Family Services, provides parents an opportunity to develop themselves—through reflecting on their own journey growing up—as a nurtured and nurturing individual, and to improve their capability of making responsible and informed choices in raising their children.

Date: October 16, 2024 to December 18, 2024; Every Wednesday (10 sessions in total)

Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Target: All Parents/guardians are welcomed. (Boston parents/caregivers of children age 0-5 have first priority.)

Language: Mandarin

Fee: Free, childcare and refreshment will be provided

Contact: Ying-Chen Wang 617-249-2995 x1095


日期:2024年10月16日至12月18日; 每週三(共十堂課)


服務對象:歡迎所有家長/監護人報名! (居住在波士頓有0至5歲孩子的家長或監護人有優先。)


費用:免費, 提供茶點與托兒服務

查詢:王小姐, 617-249-2995 x1095

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Boston Marathon Application - Run for Team BCNC
to Nov 1

Boston Marathon Application - Run for Team BCNC

Run for Team BCNC in the world’s oldest annual marathon, the Boston Marathon and make a positive impact for the Asian and immigrant community! As an Official Charity of the Bank of America Boston Marathon Official Charity Program, we are seeking enthusiastic, dedicated, and ambitious runners to join Team BCNC to raise funds for our programs and represent BCNC at the marathon.

Bank of America Boston Marathon
Date: Monday, April 21, 2025
Place: Start at Hopkinton, MA

Benefits of running for Team BCNC:

  • Guaranteed race entry to 2025 Boston Marathon

  • Team support for training and fundraising from fellow Team BCNC members, BCNC staff, and alumni runners

  • Fundraising tools and support including:

    • Runner’s Manual

    • Regularly check-ins, tips and guidance to help you reach your goal

    • Access to event space and communication tools for fundraising

  • Team meal during race weekend

  • Personalized Team BCNC running shirt

  • Opportunity to make an impact on the Asian and new immigrant community

"Running the Boston Marathon was such a magical experience! It is truly an honor to support all the great work that BCNC does for the Greater Boston community. Fundraising was definitely daunting at first, but I had terrific support from my community and from BCNC. And you will, too! If you have the faintest desire, reach out to the team at BCNC!" - Cynthia, 2022 Team BCNC member

Fundraising Requirements for runners who need a bib:

  • Minimum $10,000 fundraising commitment

  • $100 deposit after signing contract which goes towards your fundraising commitment

  • $375 race entry fee to be paid to BAA

Register by Friday, November 1, 2024


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AAPI Community Ambassador Program - Pumpkin Bank | 亞太社區大使活動 - 南瓜存錢筒製作
10:00 AM10:00

AAPI Community Ambassador Program - Pumpkin Bank | 亞太社區大使活動 - 南瓜存錢筒製作

Halloween is one of the most celebrated holiday around the world! Join us in celebrating Halloween by making your own Halloween pumpkin bank! At the day of Halloween is also the World Savings Day, a day to reminds us the importance of saving.

We hope to merge these special events to help participants of all ages to better understand the importance of saving and taking care of our finance to better prepare our lives for ourselves and our family while celebrating Halloween together!

Date: October 15, 2024

Time: 10:00am to 11:00am (Open till 12pm)

Target: Open to Everyone

Language: Mandarin or English

Fee: Free, refreshments will be provided

Contact: Email Kevin Lin, 617-249-2995 x1094



日期: 2024年10月15號

時間:上午10:00至上午11:00 (開放到中午12:00)



費用:免費, 提供點心

查詢:電郵林先生, 617-249-2995 x1094

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Acorn 50th Anniversary Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Acorn 50th Anniversary Celebration

Calling all BCNC Acorn alumni, parents and teachers!  

BCNC’s Acorn program turns 50 years old in September!  Mark your calendars for this reunion as we celebrate an incredible half century of exceptional dual language child care services in Boston Chinatown.

Reconnect with fellow alumni, beloved teachers, and supportive parents. It's a perfect opportunity to relive cherished memories and create new ones.

Special Highlight: We salute Master Teacher and Assistant Director, Lai Chan, for her remarkable 43 years of dedicated service to our children. Join us in applauding her unwavering commitment and passion. Read more about her experience.

Please consider making a small gift to support Acorn teachers on our $50 for 50 years campaign!

Due to limited spots, please RSVP by September 25th, 2024.


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Special Art Class | 特殊需要兒童美術班
3:30 PM15:30

Special Art Class | 特殊需要兒童美術班


日期:2024年9月25號至10月16號; 每週三(共4堂課)

時間:3:30pm 至 5:00pm

地點:BCNC昆市 (1458 Hancock St #306, Quincy, MA 02169 )

服務對象: 6至11岁的特殊需要儿童和家长





電話聯繫周先生: 617-249-2995 x1026

This class provides a platform for children and parents to meet new friends and interact with others. Through the interesting drawing and hand-on art activities, children develop their understanding and interest in arts, as well as improve communication between parents and children. There are 4 sessions in total for this class, 90 minutes per session, parents and children join together.

Date: September 25th 2024 to October 16th, 2024 Every Wednesday (4 sessions in total)

Time: 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Location: BCNC Quincy (1458 Hancock St #306, Quincy, MA 02169)

Participant: Children with special needs age 6-11 and their parents.

Language: Mandarin, English

Fee: Free


Send an email to:

Call Chuanwei Zhou: 617-249-2995 x1026

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AAPI Community Ambassador Program - Lantern Making | 亞太社區大使活動 - 燈籠製作
10:00 AM10:00

AAPI Community Ambassador Program - Lantern Making | 亞太社區大使活動 - 燈籠製作

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Lanterns are an essential part of Mid-Autumn Festival. Hence, Mid-Autumn Festival is also called a lantern festival.

During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes – which symbolize beacons that light people's path to prosperity, hope, joy, wholeness, harmony, and good fortune – are carried and displayed.

We would like to invite you to join us to create your own lanterns, writing down your wishes and goals, carrying your lanterns to not only celebrate, but experience wholeness, joy and harmony, lighting up your future with hope and possibilities!

Date: September 17, 2024

Time: 10:00am to 11:00am (Open till 12pm)

Target: Open to Everyone

Language: Mandarin

Fee: Free, refreshment will be provided

Contact: Email Kevin Lin 617-249-2995 x1094





時間:上午10:00至上午11:00 (開放到中午12:00)



費用:免費, 提供點心

查詢:電郵林先生, 617-249-2995 x1094

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Parenting Journey |  我的成長與我孩子的成長
to Dec 2

Parenting Journey | 我的成長與我孩子的成長

  • 1458 Hancock St, #306 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parenting is a journey that begins on the day you are born. This 10-week program, facilitated by Family Services, provides parents an opportunity to develop themselves—through reflecting on their own journey growing up—as a nurtured and nurturing individual, and to improve their capability of making responsible and informed choices in raising their children.

Date: September 16, 2024 to December 02, 2024; Every Monday (10 sessions in total, No Class on 10/07 & 10/14)

Time: 10am to 12pm

Target: All Parents/guardians are welcomed. (Quincy/South Shore parents/caregivers of children age 0-5 have first priority.)

Language: Mandarin

Fee: Free, childcare and refreshment will be provided

Bonus: Obtain a $25 gift card for participating in 9 sessions or more.

Contact: Angel Chan 617-249-2995 x1020


日期:2024年9月16日至12月2日; 每週一(共十堂課; 10/09 和 10/14休課)


服務對象:歡迎所有家長/監護人報名! (居住在昆市/南岸有0至5歲孩子的家長或監護人有優先。)


費用:免費, 提供茶點與托兒服務


查詢:陳小姐, 617-249-2995 x1020

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Parent Solutions | 家長教育課程
to Oct 11

Parent Solutions | 家長教育課程



日期:2024年9月13號至10月11號; 每週五(共5堂課)







電話聯繫周先生:617-249-2995 x1026

To help Asian/Chinese immigrant parents get familier with new to the Boston and Quincy Public Schools, understand child development stages, learn useful knowledge about IEP and acquire effective skills in facilitating their children’s education and supporting healthy development for them.

Date: September 13, 2024 to October 11, 2024; every Friday (5 sessions)

Time: 10:00am to 11:00 am

Target: Parents and care-takers

Language: Mandarin

Fee: Free


Send email to:

Call Chuanwei Zhou: 617-249-2995 x1026

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Infant Massage | 嬰兒按摩課程
to Oct 15

Infant Massage | 嬰兒按摩課程

Family Services is facilitating a 5-week in-person Infant Massage program! Infant Massage has many benefits for both the caregivers and the infants, including improving infants’ sleep, reducing gas, and spitting up milk. In addition, Infant Massage helps strengthen the bond between a caregiver and an infant, increasing sense of security. BCNC staff will teach caregivers the appropriate strokes and techniques for massaging legs, body, chest, arms, head, and back. Caregivers will learn how they can implement Infant Massage at home!

Date: September 10th, 2024 – October 15th, 2024; Every Tuesday (except September 24th)

Time: 10:00am – 11:00am

Location: Pao Arts Center (99 Albany Street, Boston, MA, 02111)

Language: Mandarin

Cost: Free

Audience: families with infants (less than 12 months old)

*Note: This program is for babies and caregivers to join together! Please bring a blanket or a pillow for your infant to rest on.

Contact: Email Cathy Zhou or call 617-249-2995 x1051


日期: 2024年9月10日至2024年10月15日(逢週二, 9月24日休課)


地址:包氏文藝中心(99 Albany Street, Boston, MA, 02111)





詢:電郵周小姐或電話聯繫: 617-249-2995 x1051

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Bamboo Circle August Planning Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Bamboo Circle August Planning Meeting

The Bamboo Circle represents a network of young professionals committed to supporting BCNC and strengthening Asian immigrant and Asian American communities of Greater Boston. This group of dedicated young professionals encourages philanthropy and community engagement through a variety of events.

Please join us for our planning meeting where we will set fundraising goals for the year, discuss future events, and brainstorm how we can support BCNC

This meeting will be in-person at Pao Arts Center, 99 Albany Street, Boston. Bring a friend! New members are welcome!

You are also invited to connect with each other and go out together for dinner after the meeting. Members are responsible for paying for their portion of the meal.

Please RSVP here by Tuesday, August 20th, 2024.

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Rodman Ride for Kids Application - Cycle for Team BCNC
7:00 AM07:00

Rodman Ride for Kids Application - Cycle for Team BCNC

Register to ride for Team BCNC in the 34th Rodman Ride for Kids and a make a meaningful impact for Asian and new immigrant children and youth!

Rodman Ride for Kids

Saturday, September 21st, 2024, 7:00am-4:00pm

38 Neponset Avenue, Foxboro, MA 02035

As a proud Charity Partner of the Rodman for Kids, we are seeking passionate, driven, and ambitious cyclists to join Team BCNC to raise funds for our programs and represent BCNC at the Ride. When you participate in the Rodman Ride for Kids and help raise funds for BCNC, 100% of the donations you bring in will directly benefit Asian and new immigrant children, youth, and families.

Rodman for Kids is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that believes every young person deserves access to the programs, resources, and opportunities they need to dream, grow, and succeed. Since 1991, the Ride has raised over $150 million and impacts tens of thousands of kids each year. Learn more.

Fundraising  Requirements

  • In-person riders must commit to raising a minimum of $2,000 in order to participate in the 25 or 50-mile in-person rides on September 21, 2024. 

  • Virtual participants must commit to raising a minimum of $500.  Virtual participation a great option for those who can’t attend the event or don’t bike at all but still want to participate in the event. You can challenge yourself with a goal related to any activity you enjoy and tie it into your fundraising. Virtual activity ideas include: running, cycling, walking, rollerblading, spin classes, yoga, Zumba, or even a less physical activity like a community service project.

Please register by Friday, July 26th.

Please contact

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Positive Solutions for Families | 正向教養課程
to Aug 30

Positive Solutions for Families | 正向教養課程

Family Services will provide parents and caregivers with a 7-session Positive Solutions for Families! The course focuses on how to utilize positive parenting skills to build closed parent-child relationships, develop children’s SEL skills, and reduce challenging behaviors. Within the 7-week program, parents will make connections with other parents in community, learn to set up intentional goals and a behavior change plan, and have opportunities to practice positive parenting skills. Additionally, parents will receive a parent handbook, positive parenting skills guideline, and SEL material bags.

Date: July 12, 2024 to August 30, 2024 (every Friday, no class on 7/19, 7 sessions in total)

Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Target: Parents and caregivers

Language: Mandarin

Location: Pao Arts Center (99Albany Street, Boston MA 02111)

Fee: Free, provide childcare and breakfast

Bonus: Obtain $25 gift card for full attendance.

Contact: Email Ying-Chen Wang or call 617-249-2995 x1095







費 用:免費, 提供托兒服務與茶點

地點:包氏文藝中心(99Albany Street, Boston MA 02111)


查詢:電郵王小姐或電話聯繫: 617-249-2995 x1095

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BCNC Quincy's Family Fun Fair
10:00 AM10:00

BCNC Quincy's Family Fun Fair

  • Joseph W. Koch Field (behind Atlantic Middle School) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us to celebrate BCNC Quincy’s 10th Anniversary of strengthening Asian and new immigrant families in the South Shore.

You’re invited for a day of community and fun! Guests will enjoy free activities including face painting, arts and crafts, the featured watermelon eating contest, a food truck, performances, music, and more!

Rain Location: North Quincy High School, 316 Hancock Street, North Quincy, MA 02171

Please consider a sponsorship to strengthen Asian and new immigrant families in the South Shore. Did you know 31% of the population in Quincy is Asian and 30% of Quincy residents are immigrants? Your support will build an equitable future for families as all proceeds will ensure local children, youth, and families have the resources needed to thrive. BCNC believes when immigrant families thrive, all of society benefits. The demand for BCNC services continues to rise.

Today, BCNC Quincy serves hundreds of families with youth leadership, adult English classes, and mental health support services.   

Click here to view sponsorship benefits and levels.

Please contact for more information.

Photos by David Jacobs









Grace and Bartholomew Jae • Chris Moy & Zoe Ning


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Bamboo Circle June Planning Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Bamboo Circle June Planning Meeting

The Bamboo Circle represents a network of young professionals committed to supporting BCNC and strengthening Asian immigrant and Asian American communities of Greater Boston. This group of dedicated young professionals encourages philanthropy and community engagement through a variety of events.

Please join us for our June planning meeting where we will set fundraising goals for the year, discuss future events, and brainstorm how we can support BCNC

This meeting will be in-person at Pao Arts Center, 99 Albany Street, Boston. Bring a friend! New members are welcome!

You are also invited to connect with each other and go out together for dinner after the meeting. Members are responsible for paying for their portion of the meal.

Please RSVP here by Tuesday, June 11th, 2024.

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Special Art Class | 特殊需要兒童美術班
to Jun 6

Special Art Class | 特殊需要兒童美術班

  • Pao Arts Center | 包氏文藝中心 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class provides a platform for children and parents to meet new friends and interact with others. Through the interesting drawing and hand-on art activities, children develop their understanding and interest in arts, as well as improve communication between parents and children. There are 4 sessions in total for this class, 90 minutes per session, parents and children join together.

Date: May 16 2024 to June 6, 2024; Thursday (4 sessions in total)

Time: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Location: Pao Arts Center (99 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02111)

Participant: Children with special needs age 6-11 and their parents.

Language: Mandarin, English

Fee: Free


Send an email to:

Call Chuanwei Zhou: 617-249-2995 x1026


日期:2024年5月16號至6月6號; 每週四(共4堂課)


地點:包氏文藝中心 (99 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02111 )

服務對象: 6至11岁的特殊需要儿童和家长





電話聯繫周先生: 617-249-2995 x1026

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