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Social Distancing While Serving the Community

Distancing from our participants is new to BCNC staff but we have taken the challenge in stride and developed new ways to serve our families remotely.

Childcare staff of Acorn and Family Child Care are using WeChat, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams to work on child assessments and online learning and trainings. Staff are providing resources and supporting families through regular contact.

Red Oak After School is sending out bilingual parent newsletters with resources and providing educational support for children and parents. Staff are providing arts enrichment through videos, scheduling video conferencing with students, and holding homework help office hours on WeChat from 1 pm to 5 pm.

PEts are allowed at Family Services team Calls.

Family Services is developing bilingual resources for families and distributing it on WeChat. Staff also will continue individual and group support and education, including the Strengthening Families program, through Telehealth and WeChat.

Pets are also allowed at Adult EDucation Team Calls.

Adult Education and Workforce Initiatives have resumed classes and distance learning through various technologies based on our students’ abilities. Staff are using a combination of Google Classroom, WeChat, USA Learns, videos, and textbook assignments. Advisers have developed a COVID-19 information blog for immigrant adult students.

The Pao Arts Center is working on artist advocacy for gig workers and the arts and cultural sectors in relief packages. Staff are translating in-person connection to online opportunities, working to reinforce that arts, culture, and creativity are essential to people’s well-being. As the administrative home to the API Arts Network, we are working on ways to support artists, through additional performance opportunities, but also providing a physical space to return to after the initial effects of physical isolation.

Pao Arts Center staff learn “The Floss” for their team meeting icebreaker.

The Youth Center and BCNC youth leaders are continuing their projects and programs online. Youth are developing an education campaign to address racism directed at Asians from COVID-19 and changing their Youth Conference in May to a virtual conference. Staff are connecting with youth 1 on 1 and in groups via various online platforms.