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Milestones and Early Intervention | 兒童發展與早教

BCNC Family Services is going to facilitate a virtual workshop “Milestones and Early Intervention”. Parents/caretakers are the very first teachers of children. It is important for parents/caregivers learn about milestones and what to do if their children need further support. In this virtual workshop, participants can get information about the growth and development of young children, including milestones. We will share resources about developmental monitoring tools, and screenings. Moreover, we will introduce early intervention and community resources. Let's celebrate Annual Developmental and Screening Week with MA Act Early! Participants can get free child milestone toolkit.

Date: Thursday, April 11th

Time: 6:00 pm-7:30 pm

Format: Virtual

Language: Mandarin

Cost: Free

Population: Parents and Care-takers.

Email: Ying-Chen Wang

Phone: Ying-Chen Wang, 617-249-2995 x1095


BCNC家庭服務部將舉辦線上工作坊「兒童發展與早教」。家長、主要照顧者是孩子成長過程中的第一位老師! 了解兒童發展里程碑與早教資源是非常重要的。在此線上工作坊中, 將會介紹兒童不同階段的發展理程碑。我們也會分享如何使用發展評估工具與量表為孩子的健康把關。最後我們會介紹麻州早教系統與社區資源。讓我們一起與MASS Act Early 慶祝兒童發展評估週!講座結束後參加者可獲得免費的兒童發展理程碑資源。

日期: 2024年4月11日, 星期四







致電:王小姐,617-249-2995 x1095