BCNC’s Childcare Department (Acorn and Red Oak) is preparing summer learning for all of our young students. We really value parent input and need, so we would like to survey all our families to inform our planning process. If you fill it out before the deadline on Friday, May 15th, you will be entered into a raffle to win a $50 gift card.
BCNC托兒教育部門(愛群和紅屋)正在為學生們準備暑期學習計畫。我們非常重視家長的意見和需求,所以我們希望對所有家庭進行調查來為我們的計畫過程提供參考資訊。如果您在截止日期前填妥 (5/15前填妥回覆),您將可以參加抽獎贏得50元美金的禮品卡。