Bamboo Circle

The Bamboo Circle represents a network of young professionals committed to supporting BCNC and strengthening Asian immigrant and Asian American communities of Greater Boston. This group of dedicated young professionals encourages philanthropy and community engagement through a variety of events. All funds raised by the Bamboo Circle directly benefit the BCNC Youth Center, which provides youth ages 13-18 with year-round leadership programs where they develop 21st century skills needed to thrive in college and the workforce. We invite young professionals to join the Bamboo Circle! Contact for more information.

Commitment: Each month, Bamboo Circle hosts several volunteer opportunities and other events along with monthly meetings. Attendance is not mandatory but highly encouraged! Monthly meetings are held online the last Thursday of each month, excluding holidays and other scheduling conflicts.


Adult Education Volunteer Program

Adult Education & Workforce Initiatives Program is looking for

One-on-one ESOL Tutoring: Mostly will be done remotely, but a few could do in-person tutoring between 12:30 – 5:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays on-site at our Quincy or Boston locations.

Monday Conversation Class Co-Teacher: Works with another volunteer to run an optional conversation class for students on Zoom on Mondays, either 10-12 in the AM or 6-8 in the PM. Students will be loosely leveled into beginner or intermediate groups.

ESOL Classroom Assistant: Works with an ESOL teacher to help students in the classroom, in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Zoom on Wednesdays. Classtimes are either 10-12:30 for the AM or 6-8:30 for the PM. This can be a once-per-week or more commitment, based on the volunteer’s availability.

Interview Prep Coach: Works to support the workplace development team by helping students seeking jobs with resume writing and interview practice. These volunteers will be trained by the workforce specialists in what BCNC is looking for in this role. However, experience in HR or management would be a welcome addition.  This role is done occasionally as students come to us with their need for help.

The Process:
1) Click on this link to complete the online application:
2) Email to notify Gillian Burleson after your application is submitted.

Contact Gillian Burleson, Quincy Program Coordinator/Advisor of Adult Education


After School Program Volunteer

Red Oak After School & Summer is looking for volunteers who are committed to tutoring, playing with, and helping kids in art classes. We ask that volunteers commit a minimum of 2 hours per visit and stay consistent in their days and times. Click here for the volunteer application.

Commitment: During the school year, 2-3 hours between 3:00 PM-6:30 PM, Monday-Friday

Contact Red Oak Administration


Summer Program Volunteer/Intern

Red Oak After School & Summer volunteers may be assigned to one or more of the following roles: teaching assistant; general operations; translations; marketing and media. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Click here for the volunteer application.

Commitment: During the summer, hours vary upon commitment. Volunteers work less than 20 hours; interns work 20+ hours. Program hours are 8:30 AM-6:00 PM, Monday-Friday.

Contact Red Oak Administration                  


College Access and Post-Secondary Program (CAPS)

Youth Center is seeking volunteers to mentor a high school student starting their junior year through their senior year to support them in their post-secondary exploration processes, which could include college applications. This is a 1-1.5 yearlong commitment. Mentors must have at least a bachelor’s degree. Mentors are expected to meet with their mentees every other week in their junior year, and then weekly during their senior year.

Read more about the program here and CAPS Mentorship Info. Click here for the mentor application.

Contact Yanqing Huang, the Youth Education Program Associate for more information.