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Positive Solutions for Families | 正向教養

  • 99 Albany Street Boston, MA 02111 (map)

BCNC Family Services is going to facilitate 7- week Positive Solutions for Families workshop. Positive Solutions for Families (PSF) is an evidence-based training program that focuses on how to utilize positive parenting skills to build closed parent-child relationships, develop children’s SEL skills, and reduce challenging behaviors. Within the 7-week program, parents will make connections with other parents in community, learn to set up intentional goals and a behavior change plan, and have opportunities to practice positive parenting skills. Additionally, parents will receive a parent handbook, positive parenting skills guideline, and SEL material toolkit.

Date: July 14, 2023 to August 25, 2023; every Friday (7 sessions)

Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Target: Parents/guardians of children age 0-5 (BCNC Acorn and Tufts Children’s Hospital’s parents/caregivers of children ages 0-5 have first priority; other parents welcome to register).

Language: Mandarin

Fee: Free, childcare and refreshment will be provided

Bonus: Obtain $25 gift card for full attendance.

Contact: Ying-Chen Wang, 617-249-2995 x1095


BCNC家庭服務部 即將舉行七週的正向教養課程。正向教養工作坊是一個通過驗證的培訓課程,課程專注於如何運用正向教養技巧與孩子建立緊密的親子關係、幫助孩子發展社交情緒素養以及改善問題行為。在七週的課程活動中,家長會與其它社區家長交流、學習如何設立明確行為改善計劃與實際演練的機會。家長還可獲得免費課程手冊、正向育兒講義與豐富的社交情緒素養材料包。

日期:2023年7月14日至8月25日, 逢週五(共七節課)


服務對象:0-5歲幼兒的家長/監護人 (愛群幼兒園家長及塔夫茲兒童醫院與有0至5歲的孩子優先報名;歡迎其他家長報名參加)。


費用:免費, 提供茶點與托兒服務


聯絡:王小姐, 617-249-2995 x1095