Positive Solutions for Families (PSF) is an evidence-based training program that focuses on how to utilize positive parenting skills to build closed parent-child relationships, develop children’s SEL skills, and reduce challenging behaviors. Within the 7-week program, parents will make connections with other parents in community, learn to set up intentional goals and a behavior change plan, and have opportunities to practice positive parenting skills. Additionally, parents will receive a parent handbook, positive parenting skills guideline, and SEL material bags.
Date: March 31st, 2025 to May 19th, 2025; every Monday except for 04/21 (total 7 sessions)
Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Location: BCNC Quincy (1458 Hancock St #306, Quincy, MA 02169)
Target: Parents/guardians of children age 0-5 (other parents welcome to register).
Language: Mandarin
F ee: Free, childcare and refreshment will be provided
Send email to: chuanwei.zhou@bcnc.net
Call Chuanwei Zhou: 617-249-2995 x1026
日期:2025年3月31號至5月19號; 每週一( 4/21號停課一次, 共七堂課)
地點:BCNC Quincy (1458 Hancock St #306, Quincy, MA 02169)
服務對象: 0-5歲幼兒的家長/監護人 (歡迎其他家長報名參加。)
費 用:免費, 提供茶點與托兒服務
電郵聯絡: chuanwei.zhou@bcnc.net
電話聯繫周先生: 617-249-2995 x1026