Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) is an annual event observed in March to raise awareness about the risks associated with problem gambling to promote education, prevention, and resources for individuals in need.
We hope to utilize this event to help participants of all ages to better understand the importance of saving and taking care of our finance to better prepare our lives for ourselves and our family.
We welcome you to join us by creating your own piggy bank!
Date: March 17, 2025 - March 31, 2025
Time: 9am - 5pm (appointment base)
Target Population: Open to all ages
Language: Mandarin or English
Fee: Free, materials provided
Location: 38 Ast St, Boston, MA 02111
Contact: Kevin Lin,
問題賭博月 (PGAM) 是每年三月舉行的活動,旨在提高人們對問題賭博相關的風險認識,並促進教育、預防措施以及為可能受到問題賭博影響的人提供資源。
日期: 2025年3月17號 - 2025年3月31號
時間: 上午9:00至下午5:00 (實體取貨)
對象: 歡迎任何年齡報名參加
語言: 普通話或英文
費用: 免費活動, 提供材料
地點: 波士頓華埠社區中心
電郵件聯絡: 林先生