Join BCNC Family Services’ Strenthening Families Program!
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based training program that focuses on parenting skills, children’s life skills, and family life skills. Parents and children will participate in the program, separately and together. Outcomes have shown SFP to significantly reduce problem behaviors, delinquency, and alcohol and drug abuse in children and to improve social competencies and school performance. As parents strengthen bonds with their children and learn more effective parenting skills, child maltreatment also decreases.
Date: February 9, 2023 to April 13, 2023: every Thursday (10 sessions)
Time: 4:30 to 6:30 pm
Target: Children age 3-5 years old and their parents
Language: English & Chinese (children's group); Mandarin (parents' group)
Fee: Free, childcare and dinner will be provided
Note: Participate and attend at least 8 sessions for a $20 gift card; full attendance & participation for a $30 gift card
Contact: Angel Chan | 617-249-2995 x 1020
BCNC 家庭服務部將舉行為期10週的【快樂家庭】課程。
日期:2023年2月9號至4月13號; 每週四(共十堂課)
語言: 英語和中文(兒童小組) 與普通話(家長小組)
費用:免費, 提供晚餐與托兒服務
備註:出席八堂課程可獲得二十元禮品卡一張, 全勤可獲得三十元禮品卡一張
查詢︰陳小姐 | 617-249-2995 x 1020