We are conducting a needs assessment of the greater Quincy area to assess the needs of families for child care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, as well as programming for school-age children and teens. We will use the information we gather to guide our planning processes. Our goal of this survey is to better understand and be able to plan for the needs of families residing in the city of Quincy and surrounding communities.
We value your input in our planning process. Your comments will be kept confidential, and your survey will remain anonymous. We will publish our findings, in the aggregate, to the groups and individuals who request it.
Thank You,
Quincy After School Child Care, Inc. (QCARE) and Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)
昆西課餘托兒所(QCARE)及波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC) 敬上
Click appropriate link below to fill out the survey. Thank you!
English Child Care Survey of the City of Quincy and Surrounding Communities
Traditional Chinese Survey of Child Care Needs in Quincy and Surrounding Communities 昆西及周邊地區托兒調查
Simplified Chinese Survey of Child Care Needs in Quincy and Surrounding Communities 昆西及外围地区托儿调查
Spanish Survey: Encuesta de necesidades de cuidado infantil en Quincy y las comunidades circundantes
Creole Survey: Sondaj sou Bezwen Gadri Timoun nan Quincy ak kominote ki antoure l yo