Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Update: March 25, 2020

We are compiling resources in English and Chinese 中文 for food, children, employment and other issues on this page.


To support BCNC families in critical need at this time, click here to make a donation to the Emergency Family Fund.


Update: March 18, 2020

All BCNC sites will be closed to the public from Monday, March 16 to Saturday, April 4.

Update: March 13, 2020

All BCNC sites will be closed to the public from Monday, March 16 to Saturday, March 21. We will aim to reopen Ash Street and Quincy sites on Monday, March 23. Please stay tuned for further changes.

BCNC將從3月16日(星期一)至3月21日(星期六)對公眾關閉。我們爭取在3月23日(星期一)重新開放Ash Street以及昆市的辦公室。敬請繼續關注更進一步的信息。

Update: March 12, 2020

In response to the evolving situation:


  • BCNC is cancelling all external rentals at its Ash Street, Boston location until the end of April. The Pao Arts Center will be closed from public programming, visits and rentals until April 4th. We will continue to reassess the situation in April. Please reach out to your BCNC contact regarding rescheduling.

    BCNC將取消Ash Street的所有外部租借直到4月底。包氏文藝中心將關閉所有公共節目,參觀和租借直到4月4日。我們將在4月繼續重新評估形勢。請與您的BCNC聯繫人溝通以進行重新安排。

  • If you have traveled to areas with Level 3 Health Notice (refer to the CDC’s Travel Health Notices for updated list of countries) with widespread transmission of COVID-19, as defined by the CDC, please inform the center of your travel and remain self-quarantined for at least 14 days from your return and monitor symptoms. This may change due to updated recommendations from the CDC or our state or local health officials.


  • If you have traveled to areas with Level 2 Health Notice (refer to the CDC’s Travel Health Notices for updated list of countries), please monitor your health and limit interactions for 14 days after returning to the US.


  • As changes arise, BCNC will immediately communicate any changes to our community and partners via email, social media and the BCNC website (


March 11, 2020

Dear BCNC Community,

The BCNC Executive Team is monitoring the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in our community and is in contact with local partners. Our top priority is the health and safety of our participants, volunteers and staff. We will continue to follow the most up-to-date guidance and procedures from public health officials, assessing conditions within community on an ongoing basis.

We want to keep you informed of our current planning as we do our best to respond to the situation as it unfolds.

What BCNC is doing:

  • We will continue to monitor the health authorities’ official guidance and then respond and communicate accordingly.

  • This webpage on the BCNC website is updated with relevant information.

  • We are asking staff, volunteers, and participants who are feeling ill to stay home and not attend our programs.

  • We have posted instructional signs on handwashing to promote hygiene at all our locations.

  • Requiring staff and volunteers to provide notice regarding any domestic and international travel.

  • In addition to regularly scheduled cleanings, we will daily disinfect doorknobs and common areas.

What you can do:

Follow standard health precautions:

  • Stay home if you are sick and presenting a fever or exhibiting flu-like symptoms.

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds OR use an alcohol-based hand sanitize that contains 60-95% alcohol.

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or an elbow when sneezing or coughing.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Clean and disinfect touched objects and surfaces.

  • If you have traveled to areas with Level 3 Health Notice with widespread transmission of COVID-19, as defined by the CDC (currently China, Iran, Italy, South Korea), please inform the center of your travel and remain self-quarantined for at least 14 days from their return and monitor symptoms. This may change due to updated recommendations from the CDC or our state or local health officials.

  • If you have traveled to areas with Level 2 Health Notice (currently Japan), please monitor your health and limit interactions for 14 days after returning to the US.

    Follow Mass. Dept of Public Health guidelines on how to prevent transmission.

BCNC leadership is actively working on emergency and contingency plans if an outbreak occurs and we will keep you posted.

As always, any questions and concerns can be brought to the BCNC executive team. We will do our best to support and inform the community.


BCNC Executive Team

  • David Jacobs, Director of Finance and Administration

  • Yoyo Yau, Director of Programs

  • Joann Yung, Director of Development

親愛的BCNC Community:

目前BCNC執行團隊正在積極關切COVID-19 (新型冠狀病毒)的影響,並與當地其他相關團隊保持聯繫。活動參與者、志工和員工的健康與安全是我們的第一優先。我們會遵循公共衛生官員的最新引導和程序對策,並持續評估內部的狀況。 我們將會及時向您通知目前的規劃與應對政策。


  • 持續關注衛生當局的官方指示,做出相對的回應和溝通

  • BCNC的網站上會時時更新相關消息 • 請感到不適的活動參與者、志工和員工待在家中休息,請不要參加這裡的活動

  • 我們在洗手處皆張貼了正確的洗手方式,請積極維護所有場所的衛生

  • 請活動參與者、志工和員工主動提供有關任何境內和境外旅行的相關證明

  • 除了定期清潔外,我們每天會開始消毒門把和公共區域


  • 遵循標準的健康預防措施:

    o 如果您生病、發燒或出現類似流感的症狀,請留在家中

    o 頻繁地用肥皂洗手20秒鐘,或者使用含60-95%酒精的酒精消毒液

    o 打噴嚏或咳嗽時,請用紙巾或手肘遮住鼻子和嘴巴

    o 避免觸摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴

    o 避免與生病的人近距離接觸

    o 時常清潔和消毒碰觸過的物體和表面

  • 如果您在近期曾造訪疾病預防控制中心(CDC)定義的第3級地區,請主動通知我們您的旅行紀錄,自我隔離至少從當地返回美國後的14天,並觀察症狀,這些定義可能會透過CDC或麻州地方衛生官員的最新建議產生更動。

  • 如果您在近期造訪第2級地區,請在返回美國後的14天內監控您的健康狀況並減少與他人的接觸。

  • 遵循麻州衛生部門關於如何預防傳播的指南

BCNC執行團隊正在積極制定應對方針,如果發生相關疫情我們會及時通知您。 如同一直以來,請您將任何問題和疑慮放心交給BCNC的執行團隊。我們將竭盡全力支持我們這裡的家人並為您提供最新資訊。

BCNC執行團隊: David Jacobs,財政主管,Yoyo Yau,部門主管,Joann Yung,發展部主管 敬上


Massachusetts Department of Health

U.S. Center for Disease Control