Meet The Students That Continue to Pay It Forward With Resume Help

Between January and March, six students from BCNC's Adult Education program will be providing basic resume and job interview help to ESOL students at BPL and beyond. When we asked each BCNC student what motivated them to sign up for this opportunity, the answer was simple: to support their fellow immigrants and to give back to the community.

Meet Ardita

Ardita is from Albania. Prior to immigrating to the US, she studied finance and accounting in her home country as well as having 5 years of experience in this field. She is one of the tutors for this program and a student of level 4 at BCNC Adult Education program. She participates in this program because she likes communicating with people and helping them. She wants to help others to achieve their goals.

“My knowledge and interest in the subject expanded. moreover I have met some nice people. It is awesome experience and I am grateful that am part of it.

So far I have had 5 zoom meetings and it has been a great experience. We are learning from each other. I feel good because they all wanted to have a second meeting.

Every student has a memorable story but my first appointment stood out. It was an interesting and challenging meeting for me because she had many years studying in various fields, and had many accomplishments in different countries.

Overall, everything has been great and I hope to have opportunity to help more students in the future,” says Ardita.

Meet Hind

Hind is another tutor for this program. Prior to coming to the US, she went to school to become a teacher in Iraq. Now seeing this opportunity to help immigrants like her, she immediately agreed to offer help.

“I applied for this program because I like help people specifically immigrant people who speak another language. I was in same situation as them,” says Hind.

In addition to volunteering at BCNC, she also volunteers at Arabic school. Moving forward, she hopes to help more students.