BCNC Portrait: Sam Trombly, Director of Red Oak After School and Summer Program

What do you do in your current role at BCNC? 

I oversee the Red Oak After School and Summer Program. On a day-to-day basis, my work consists of administrative work, meeting with my team to sort through problems, and as often as I can, helping a kid with a puzzle. My priorities right now are improving partnerships and our curriculum, so our offerings for students are improved. 

What brought you to BCNC? 

I first came to BCNC as a volunteer. In my previous role at a social justice nonprofit, I gave a portion of my time to volunteering each week. BCNC Red Oak was one of two service sites for me, and then became my exclusive site as I grew to enjoy the program more and more.  

I want any job I have to be of consequence to the world. When the position for Red Oak Director opened up, I saw an opportunity to continue doing work that was focused in helping others. Not only that, but to do it at a place with which I already had a connection. 

Sam and the red oak team - Photo by Mel Taing

Where do you hope to see yourself in the future? 

I see Boston and BCNC as an opportunity to invest for years to come. I hope that in 5 years I'll still be helping students in this same community. 

What is your hope for the work you do here at BCNC?

When I moved from volunteer to Director at Red Oak, it was already a program full of love and kindness. So at its center, I hope to make no changes at all. I’ll know my work is making positive change when we’ve created more structure, intention, and resources for that center.