BCNC Leaders Celebrate 50
/On Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, former and current BCNC leaders gathered at the Pao Arts Center to celebrate the 50th anniversary of BCNC. Over 50 board members, founders, and staff reconnected over their shared love for the Chinatown neighborhood and the work they did together over the past five decades. Former BCNC leaders grew up in Chinatown and continued to serve the community. Others got more involved in the community as college students or young professionals. They all dedicated themselves to preserve the vitality of Chinatown and amplify community voices. As BCNC heads into the next fifty years, we look back to our predecessors and build upon the foundations they gave us.
Special thanks to the band Sojourners for providing live music and PRX Podcast Garage (Boston) for interviewing several of our founding leaders for an oral history!

Photography by Andrew Wang.