Honoring a Year of Persistence for 260 Adult Immigrant Students

BCNC AE End-of-Year Celebration 2021.png

Students, staff, supporters, and volunteers celebrated the end of BCNC Adult Education's 2020-2021 school year on June 30. The virtual event honored 260 students from our ESOL for College & Career Readiness classes and ESOL for Parents & Caregivers class and their commitment to learning English remotely. The cohort of graduates included our 2020 Lantern Gala honorees Jinqi and Jimmy. Every year, over 40 volunteers help students learn English. They assist in classes and tutor students one-on-one. In addition, we would like to give special thanks to our NAIP AmeriCorps volunteers Karla and Aster.


BCNC CEO Ben Hires shared: “We know that sometimes the path is not easy like the last 12 months, but a way forward is possible together. I would like to thank all of you for giving it your everything. I would like to thank your families for supporting you and thank all of the BCNC teachers and staff who have also supported you along this journey.”


Thank you to the supporters who make these classes possible: Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation, English for New Bostonians, MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, South Shore Bank, State Street Foundation, Verizon Foundation, Walmart Foundation