BCNC Portrait: Chulan Huang
/Chulan Huang at Pao arts center experience chinatown
Chulan Huang immigrated from China to Boston Chinatown at the age of 3 and he was a part of BCNC Red Oak After School program. At BCNC, he was exposed to new things and got to participate in outings and field trips, such as bowling, museums, and the aquarium that he otherwise would not have because he was from a low-income family.
“BCNC allowed me to build long-lasting relationships. I still keep in touch with some people I met at BCNC,” shared Chulan. “My group leader named Christian was someone that I looked up to and was able to confide in.”
Today, Chulan serves as the Chinatown, Downtown, and Leather District Liaison for the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services. He connects residents in these communities with Mayor Michelle Wu’s office.
Chulan shares that BCNC has been a staple in the Asian and new immigrants community in Boston. His younger sister also attended BCNC’s Acorn Center for Early Education and Care and his mother currenly attends English classes.
“I think BCNC is great since it provides structure to learn life skills and to receive services that address specific needs in our community,” said Chulan.