Mainstream media fell short in Atlanta shooting coverage, activists say

Hires said media coverage of Asian Americans should more often highlight the lack of resources they face, including health care, educational equity and housing. The model minority myth and the aggregation of more than twenty Asian American subgroups into a single category leads to the assumption that they are all doing well. This, in turn, masks the needs of many Asian American groups, and results in a lack of coverage of those needs.

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Protesters in Boston and Quincy denounce anti-Asian racism

Ben Hires, chief executive at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, highlighted efforts by Quincy residents to create a city department of social justice and equity, as well as state legislative measures, including new educational programs, to help combat racism.

He also called for broader investments in creating access to jobs, housing, health care, and other services for communities of color.

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‘We don’t know how long people can hang on’: New fund launches to help Chinatown restaurants, residents

Hires said the support, which comes from a diverse set of donors, means a lot to the Asian community.

“The fact that they reached out and wanted to help Chinatown was super amazing in terms multiracial support,” said Hires. “It has been inspirational and uplifting.”

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